When I see the first back to school ad on TV or on the internet, I sigh…. I’m well past my school years so why do I care? Because back to school is code for “It’s time to do the last 15% of America’s tax returns.” Don’t get me wrong, that’s the business we are in and we love it!!! But for some of our clients it creates a great deal of stress as October 15 is the real deadline. On April 15, the IRS demands the tax dollars, but October is when the paperwork to prove it is due! People on extension often have complex situations, complex assets, or both. It is a really serious time thief for many.[…]
Some time ago you had an idea. Over the years your turned that idea into a successful and profitable business. Have you protected what you worked so hard to build? An unexpected turn of events could put your biggest asset at risk. Did you know that moving business dollars into a qualified plan could protect your assets as well as provide a current tax deduction? Money in a qualified plan is generally protected from creditors. That means no one can take away what you have earned. Let us help you protect what you have created. It could be one of the most important business decisions you ever make.
With summer time in full gear, the business world takes a noticeable slow down as key employees that drive productivity are finally taking a few well deserved days off. Vacations have changed over the last 20 years in that the 10-14 days off at one time seems to have faded away and shorter more frequent “action style” vacations are trending. Planning and Google searches for vacation locations and activities are reportedly 38 searches per vacation, so if you spent 5 mins on just 20 of those 38 searches you’ve spent over an hour and a half. Multiply this by 3 short vacations a year (2015 AARP said boomers planned 4-5 a year) and a boomer spends at least 5 hours[…]
Hopefully, you have family that you love and that loves you. It’s the greatest asset any of us could have. If it’s not the family you were born to, then we hope you have a family you put together for yourself…..sometimes those are even better. Summer time seems to lead us all to gathering families of all kinds together at events, to have BBQ`s or other “get-togethers” and it’s during that time that it wouldn’t hurt for any or all of us to reflect on our plans for helping them to help us in our time of crisis. After all, none of us are going to get out of this life unharmed! Death and taxes are the only certainties in[…]